What's new in 2021?

AI Orchestrator

Demonstrates how AI/ML models can find out about jobs of newly incoming studies, and subsequently claim them, by having a Workflow Orchestrator tracking available/claimed/completed jobs. It show cases IHE's newest AI profiles like AIW-I and AIR. The entry endpoint is


If you want to find out more, visit the project's GitHub page.


Note: This has been discontinued in 2022. If you want more information about this, ask on Slack.

A tool that can scan your project's code and provide recommendations for improving security, reliability, ...etc. Useful for bringing awareness of programming oversights, common to both experienced and new developers, which may end up leaving security and other types of vulnerabilities in the source code. (PS: You'll have access to your own space, no one else sees you code) The UI login is available at http://hackathon.siim.org:9000/ and we have detailed instructions on how to use it. More about SonarQube: Homepage or Wikipedia. Contact Mohannad Hussain (Email or Slack @Mohannad)